Thursday June 25th, 2009
Today will be my first day on the road. I arrive at work a little before 8:30 to fill in a couple of things I missed in the stacks of paperwork I already filled out. I fill out a form to get a parking permit so I can leave my car on the lot at Crete. My trainer arrives at about 9:30am. His name, as I learned last night when he called me, is Albert. Or Al. He sounded really, really dull (& old) when I talked to him on the phone. This really worried me. I'd hate to be stuck on a truck with a very dull guy with no sense of humor. Well, it turns out, he’s not as old as he sounded on the phone. He’s 37. He lives in Colorado, but soon will be moving back to Minnesota, North of Albert Lea. He is, however, just about as dull as I thought he'd be. I sured this one. It's not as bad as I thought it'd be though. I'm learning to hold my jokes in though, because they just get wasted on him. I'll say something really funny, and he just sits there expressionless.
Anyway, we have to wait at the terminal for a while for my Driver Code to come in. We waited for about a half hour, then my code finally came in. JACSTE. JACSTE??? We waited around a half hour so they can tell me what my initials are!? Al kept asking them every several minutes if my code came in yet. So, the first thing I learned from Al is that I need to learn to be more impatient.
Al was on his way from Salt Lake City to Nicollet MN. So I grab all my gear out of my car and toss it in the truck. I assumed I would be driving, but I was wrong. Al took the wheel, and I did an excellent job of passengeering if I do say so myself. I practiced being a passenger for the rest of the day.
We stopped briefly at a very small truck stop in Worthington MN and grabbed a couple of Sloppy Joes. I'm already learning how to eat like a trucker. Then off we go. We drove straight through to Nicollet MN. We were scheduled to drop off four pallets tomorrow morning at 8am, but since we were there, we thought we’d see if we could drop them tonight. The guy at the receiver was willing to let us unload tonight. Sweet! Al opens the trailer only to find that the shipper had loaded the trailer wrong. The four pallets that we were to unload first, were loaded at the nose of the trailer. Ten pallets that we’re supposed to drop in Melrose MN were loaded behind them. The shipper would have gladly unloaded the 10 pallets to get their 4 pallets off the truck, but, their dock was too full to do it. So, we’ll have to come back at 8am, and they’ll do it then. So, we turned around and drove about 10 miles back to Mankato to a truck stop there. I snapped a photo of this sweet Bowling Alley sign across the street. No Wi-Fi at this truck stop. It’s 6:22pm right now. I walked a couple miles to walk off them sloppy joes, watched a movie (The Car) then went to bed.
Anyway, we have to wait at the terminal for a while for my Driver Code to come in. We waited for about a half hour, then my code finally came in. JACSTE. JACSTE??? We waited around a half hour so they can tell me what my initials are!? Al kept asking them every several minutes if my code came in yet. So, the first thing I learned from Al is that I need to learn to be more impatient.
Al was on his way from Salt Lake City to Nicollet MN. So I grab all my gear out of my car and toss it in the truck. I assumed I would be driving, but I was wrong. Al took the wheel, and I did an excellent job of passengeering if I do say so myself. I practiced being a passenger for the rest of the day.
We stopped briefly at a very small truck stop in Worthington MN and grabbed a couple of Sloppy Joes. I'm already learning how to eat like a trucker. Then off we go. We drove straight through to Nicollet MN. We were scheduled to drop off four pallets tomorrow morning at 8am, but since we were there, we thought we’d see if we could drop them tonight. The guy at the receiver was willing to let us unload tonight. Sweet! Al opens the trailer only to find that the shipper had loaded the trailer wrong. The four pallets that we were to unload first, were loaded at the nose of the trailer. Ten pallets that we’re supposed to drop in Melrose MN were loaded behind them. The shipper would have gladly unloaded the 10 pallets to get their 4 pallets off the truck, but, their dock was too full to do it. So, we’ll have to come back at 8am, and they’ll do it then. So, we turned around and drove about 10 miles back to Mankato to a truck stop there. I snapped a photo of this sweet Bowling Alley sign across the street. No Wi-Fi at this truck stop. It’s 6:22pm right now. I walked a couple miles to walk off them sloppy joes, watched a movie (The Car) then went to bed.
Friday June 26th 2009
Woke up a little after 6am. Brushed my teeth in a hand-washing sink. I'm gonna have to get used to shaving and brushing in front of others. I'm trying to eat better, so I have grapefruit juice & 2 bananas for breakfast.
We head out to Nicollet to dump our load. The receiver, as you can see in the picture below, was right under the Nicollet water tower. I get my first taste of using the Qualcomm (a satelite device on our truck that we do most of our communicating through. Loads, directions, etc.) We punch in my hours for the last seven days. About fifteen minutes later we hear them unloading the trailer. So, this shouldn’t take very long. Al says he’s gonna have me drive out of here.

I took the wheel of the 2009 Freightliner Cascadia for the first time after we dropped in Nicollet MN. I drive from Nicollet MN, 130 miles to Melrose MN. At a top governed speed of 62 mph, it takes about 2 hours & 45 min to get there. Then, for the first time, I back up to a dock. Luckily it was a really easy one with a lot of room. It doesn’t take too long to unload, and soon we’re off to deadhead (empty trailer) the 152 miles to Roger MN to pick up a load. It’s a quick drop & hook. I drive the 292 miles to Waupaca WI where we sleep at a truck stop over night.
We head out to Nicollet to dump our load. The receiver, as you can see in the picture below, was right under the Nicollet water tower. I get my first taste of using the Qualcomm (a satelite device on our truck that we do most of our communicating through. Loads, directions, etc.) We punch in my hours for the last seven days. About fifteen minutes later we hear them unloading the trailer. So, this shouldn’t take very long. Al says he’s gonna have me drive out of here.
I took the wheel of the 2009 Freightliner Cascadia for the first time after we dropped in Nicollet MN. I drive from Nicollet MN, 130 miles to Melrose MN. At a top governed speed of 62 mph, it takes about 2 hours & 45 min to get there. Then, for the first time, I back up to a dock. Luckily it was a really easy one with a lot of room. It doesn’t take too long to unload, and soon we’re off to deadhead (empty trailer) the 152 miles to Roger MN to pick up a load. It’s a quick drop & hook. I drive the 292 miles to Waupaca WI where we sleep at a truck stop over night.

Saturday June 27th 2009
Al drives in the morning. I really need to keep up on this diary a little more because looking back now, I‘m having a hard time piecing together the events of the day. I know at some point during this day, we had several hours to wait for them to load our trailer, so we bobtailed to a truck stop. Right by the truck stop I discovered this strange furniture store (M Schettl Sales - Oshkosh WI) that had all this great stuff outside the building (see pictures below). Then we pick up a load of paper towels in Neenah WI. Luckily, we were able to get there the day before we were supposed to pick up the load. They had us back the trailer to a dock, unhook. Drive around to the other side of the building and wait for the shag driver to let us know when the load is done. It took a couple hours, but it was worth it, because now we’re a day ahead of schedule. Half this load goes to North Platte NE, the other goes to Scottsbluff. Al drives to Cottage Grove WI where I take over the driving & drive 233 miles to a rest area in Victor IA. They have free Wi Fi at the rest areas in Iowa! It gave me an hour or two of free time, then it kicked me off the internet.
The deer have taken over! The deer have guns and the hunters are tied up!

I love this horse! Maybe a Tuco album cover?

Worlds Largest Flamingo!

I want one of these giant ants in my back a grill!

You can't really tell from the pictures, but, the motorcycle below is HUGE! The tires are probably about 4 feet tall! And, it looks like, if it still runs, that it's totally ridable!!! It's got a car engine and transmission.

Fly Eagles Fly!

E-A-G-L-E-S Eagles!

This cow is flashing it's udders!!!

You can barely tell in this picture (if you click on it to see the large version and look to the right of the yellow sign), but, on the other side of the truck stop theres was a golf place with huge life-size dinosaurs! By this time I had already done enough walking and was running out of time, so I didn't go over to investigate. I'll probably never forgive myself!

I love this horse! Maybe a Tuco album cover?

Worlds Largest Flamingo!

I want one of these giant ants in my back a grill!

You can't really tell from the pictures, but, the motorcycle below is HUGE! The tires are probably about 4 feet tall! And, it looks like, if it still runs, that it's totally ridable!!! It's got a car engine and transmission.

Fly Eagles Fly!

E-A-G-L-E-S Eagles!

This cow is flashing it's udders!!!

You can barely tell in this picture (if you click on it to see the large version and look to the right of the yellow sign), but, on the other side of the truck stop theres was a golf place with huge life-size dinosaurs! By this time I had already done enough walking and was running out of time, so I didn't go over to investigate. I'll probably never forgive myself!

Note to self: I need a new camera! Fuji Finepix 1000 soon!!! Several hundred dollars worth of camera for $150!
Sunday June 28th 2009
Al drives in the morning again. I’m starting to get the feeling that he’s afraid of the dark. Somewhere along the line we stop at a truck stop for my first truck stop shower. Yay! We drive right through Omaha and go to the Crete terminal in Lincoln. We get a new tire put on the trailer (it was worn out), get a trailer inspection, fuel up, and do a load of laundry. Met another trainer and his student. The student was training for Shaffer too. He was almost done with his training. He’s from Baltimore. He went to truck driving school there. 6 months of school! It was just Saturdays & Sundays 10 hours a day. I drove to Waco NE to a crappy restaurant at a truck stop. It smelled really bad. Al seemed to remember it was pretty cheap last time he was there, but I didn’t think it was cheap. Then I drove to Lexington NE to a Walmart that has truck parking. We get some groceries. Since we’re not too far from our drop in North Platte, I just drive a short distance to a truck stop near Maxwell NE. No Wi-Fi at this truck stop.
Monday June 29th 2009
We’re a day ahead of schedule. Al drives the short distance to our drop in North Platte NE. With a little difficulty due to bad directions, we arrive at what’ supposed to be our drop. We’re dropping paper towels for the school system, but this warehouse is cardboard boxes. Al calls the receiver who gives us directions to another location. I don’t know if the guy is bad at giving directions, or if Al is bad at receiving them, but we have a hard time finding this place too. Al’s cussing about what a messed up city North Platte is. He calls the guy for more directions and we find out we’re on the right track. We drive to the intersection where the guy says they are, but we don’t spot the building. After driving around the block, it’s time for another phone call. Finally we find out we’re dropping at the Ideal Cleaners.
They’re somewhat confused about the load there, but finally decide that we should drop it there. Sweet! We’re gonna remain a day ahead of schedule! They bring out a forklift (which the guy barely knows how to drive), and he starts to grab the first pallet. Then a guy comes out of the building, “wait a minute, this isn’t supposed to be delivered until tomorrow.” The jig is up! And the load goes over where we first stopped, or at least near there. It looks like we’re gonna have to drive over to the Flying J and wait until tomorrow morning.
Flying J doesn’t have free internet. It costs $5 for one day. Since we’re gonna be here for about 24 hours, I decide that’s not such a bad deal. I spend most of the day catching up on my blog and other internetting, doing some homework, figuring how many miles I’ve driven (1022 miles), etc.
They’re somewhat confused about the load there, but finally decide that we should drop it there. Sweet! We’re gonna remain a day ahead of schedule! They bring out a forklift (which the guy barely knows how to drive), and he starts to grab the first pallet. Then a guy comes out of the building, “wait a minute, this isn’t supposed to be delivered until tomorrow.” The jig is up! And the load goes over where we first stopped, or at least near there. It looks like we’re gonna have to drive over to the Flying J and wait until tomorrow morning.
Flying J doesn’t have free internet. It costs $5 for one day. Since we’re gonna be here for about 24 hours, I decide that’s not such a bad deal. I spend most of the day catching up on my blog and other internetting, doing some homework, figuring how many miles I’ve driven (1022 miles), etc.
Man, looks like yer havin' a blast already!